Grandma's gardening lessons for millennial's

Grandma's gardening lessons for millennial's 

We are part of nature and we have to be grateful for everything nature provides us with. Millennial generation is privileged enough, that previous generation has been taking care of our food and eating necessity.
But what about future generations ???

So thought of sharing gardening lessons that my grandma has taught me and I want to share with everyone.

"A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all, it teaches entire trust. — Gertrude Jekyll "

A tiny little seed,
Silently working throughout the seasons, time bounds and magically transforming into a mighty tree or a plant.

In simple words gardening refers to growing your own plants either on small part of land or indoor into containers and mud pots. It is so therapeutic.
Keep reading through

1:- Spinach - Palak

Spinach takes 45 - 52 days to grow, in sandy soil and cool moist atmosphere. Best time to sow seeds is winter season that between September - October. It should be consumed fresh because it loses its nutrition day by day.

2:- Green Garlic

Green garlic can be grown indoors into pots. Best time to grow green garlic is start of October month. In freezing cool weather with six hours of sunlight daily. It takes 2-3 weeks for bulbs to grow into leaves. Green garlic is also called as spring garlic used in making soups.

3:- Custard Apple - Sitaphal

Pc :- Khushi Thanki

Custard apple is also called as Sitaphal each fruit weighs around 300 g. The plant grows in dry hot climate. It takes 3 - 4 years for a plant to develop. Plant flowers from April to May and bears fruit in August to November.

4:- Cluster Beans - Guarfali 

Cluster beans or Guarfali grows in warm and conditions. It cannot be grown in heavy monsoon regions. Seeds are sown between March to May. It takes 4 months for plant to develop and harvest in August month. Cluster beans should be consumed along with Carrom seed or Ajwain to balance it nutritional value properties.

5:- Bhavnagri Chili 

Bhvnagri chilies, these chilies are not at all spicy and has very unique flavour. It is available throughout the year. It comes from popular place called Bhavnagar, Gujrat.

6:- Brinjal 

Brinjals can be called as versatile crop. It can be grown all year in all seasons. But in North India best season to grow best brinjals is June - July. It is also called as Rabi crop. Big brinjals also called as eggplant or aubergine require big space to grow. But this plant requires lots of care and nurturing to get good fruit.

7:- Bitter Gourd - Karela 

Karela is a kind of creeper which is easy to grow, no fussy process. The plant bears beautiful yellow shiny flowers and spiny little fruit. It takes 6 - 7 months for a plant to grow. And 10-15 days for fruit to grow after yellow flowers bloom on plant.

8:- Indian Jujube or Chinese Dates - Ber

This plant is also called as Ber plant. It grows only in 3 countries China, India and Australia. It is tropical fruit. The 1 - 1.5 meter tree takes 3-4 years to grow. It bears lots of fruits from January - Many month. Initially they are green in color as they ripe it turns into brown shade. Utmost care has to be taken of this plant as too many weeds grow around this plant. 

Thank you for reading!

Though gardening is tedious job but the final fruit is worth working for.

Part 2 is coming up next week.

I hope you got some value into your life. 

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#gardening #plants #growingplants #gogreen #organic #farming #gogreen #edutalk #foodforthaught

- Pricooked Tales (Priya Modha)



  1. The overall info is really useful.. As my mother -in-law loves gardening.. Thanks for this😊

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for such useful information..🥰


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