Top 10 Super Cool Underrated Immunity Boosters - A Tale on Immunity Boosters

Top 10 Simply Cool yet Underrated ways to Boot your Immunity - A Tale on Immunity Boosters

" Precautions are better than cure "

In school, at least once everyone has written an essay on this topic. We had so many points to write some memorized points from the essay book some suggested by the tuition teacher some points from that intelligent friends. We wrote good stuff, scored 3/5 but without knowing the actual meaning behind this quote.

" Precautions are better than cure "

The year 2020 has taught us the real meaning of this quote and evoked some realization that is only precautions can save our lives.
Since this pandemic has started the world has completely changed. Every life has been affected and every one of us is adjusting and figuring out ways to sail our boats. Just like your vehicle's bikes, scooties, cars, SUVs, etc need time to time servicing to keep going, just like that vehicle named our own "Body" needs time to time care and some simple effortless servicing which can prevent viruses, diseases, and break down. 

As Mark Twain says, 

"Not the intelligent or the strongest one survives, But the one who can adjust and accept the change does"

We cannot keep on complaining about this pandemic or keep crying about what you lost and cannot do instead you can always see a ray of sunshine and adjust your wings and keep flying.

There are tons of information suggestions online regarding boosting immunities staying fit etc.
I suggest instead of googling all those and blindly following influencers we should figure out what works for our body and follow only those things because you know yourself better.
And Yes!! You are allowed to have Haldi wala doodh, kadhas, etc as long as you are ok with them.

Now, let me just jump on today's topic i.e. immunity boosters. This is a fancy word used nowadays also know as "Rog prati  -rodhak Shakti "  in short antivirus anti-diseases powers of your body.

Just like Computers need Quickheel, Avira, Mcafee, etc to prevent viruses similarly our bodies need immunity boosters to prevent viruses. 
There are expensive fancy boosters available in the market you can buy and use them.

But here I am suggesting some free super crazy cool and simple ways to boost your immunities or rog prati-rodhak shakti.

Some may sound weird to you but yes they do work.

Taking tiny steps daily is better than burning out all at once. Being fit is not at all difficult. Here by fit I am not talking about weight loss or being skinny body or having perfect figure. By fit I mean not falling sick frequently, fit healthy mind and good energy levels every day.

So Top 10 Immunity Booster Suggestions

1.Soak in some Sun 

Soak in some Sun

Spend at least 20 mins either sit in sun or take a walk daily in Morning 7-11 am or in the Evening 4-6 pm, sun shine and you are charged. This is one of the best to gain Vitamin C and everything you need to stay fit. I bet you will see changes within 2-3 days and your energy and immunity will be boosted.

2. Orange or Orange Candies

Orange or Orange Candies

Consume orange as fruit or chew orange Candies and you get that immunity dose boosted for the day. Oranges or orange color food are best immunity boosters. 

3. Warm Water 

Warm Water

Yes sipping warm water time to time everyday helps you clean all toxins in your body and helps you to become stronger. This is the reason why Japanese people are so fit and fine. Water does wonders.

4. Move Move

Everyone has smart phones with them 24/7 we can make a start move using it. Switch on your steps tracker and walk at least 1000 steps every day. It don't have to be on ground or tracks. You can complete minimum 1K steps walking by moving around in your house. Get up walk from room to room. Don't use lift talk steps whatever your age is just keep moving. This one hack keeps your blood circulating and will definitely avoid you from using sticks and wheelchairs in your old age. Haha

5. Make your own flavored Chai's or Tea

Making and sipping one cup of your favorite flavored Chai works wonders for your immunity. It can be simple as water, tea powder, sugar, and mint or ginger chai/tea or with Indian spices and herbs. Having herbs wala chai everyday (limited quantity) keeps you and your immunity going. If you are not keeping well or sick or suffering from flu make black tea and add half tea spoon of ghee into it and drink it. This is tradition Indian way to cure common cold and flu's.

6.Strech Stretch

You don't feel like doing those fancy exercises it's totally fine. But first thing in the morning you should be doing is strech. Yes simply stretching for 5 - 10 mins daily as soon as you wake up is best thing you can do for your self. Take my words by following this you won't have suddenly rush to gym to loose weight and get back in shape. Stretching your body everyday will do it's work and keep you in shape.

7. Sleep 

Sleep is so underrated. It is one of the most powerful technique to stay mentally and physically fit. 8-10 hours of deep sleep definitely keeps your system boosted. Here same rule applies sleep at the same time every single day. It really has powers to do wonders on your body. 

8.Eat at same time daily 

Eat at the same time every day. This hack works two ways one you will avoid unnecessary eating and second digestive system will function properly every single day. And happy tummy is happy mind and happy body. This habit would make sure you do not put on unnecessary weight and your weight is maintained. 

9.Lemon Juice - Limbu Sherbet

In summer vacation after playing cricket whole day your mom keeping your Chilled lemon juice oh yes it's Limbu sherbut ready and sipping it in one go was best feeling. Consuming at least half a lemon in any way should be your food rule. 
Cut half lemon squeeze and just drink it every day. It takes 5 mins to make lemon juice. But it makes sure you and your immunity are boosted. 

10. Clean your Smart phones

Clean your Smart phones

This one point sound weirdest on this list and you might be wondering I mentioned it. But it is important.
Every one of us has this bad habit of using our dear phones every 5 min. Everyday we touch so many things and with those same hands we use our phones. Have you ever imagined how many germs or how dirty your phone is and using same dirty phone can make you sick. Do take some spare time to clean your phones thrice in a day. It sounds totally weird and crazy but your cell phone can create health issues.

By following these simple points daily will definitely improve your health and help you stay fit effortlessly.

Doing these simple stuff daily is better than suddenly one day going to gym and giving pain to your mussels and brain. 
After all it is up to you what you want to choose in your life. 
I hope this blog is useful to you.

Do share and comment below your favorite point.

Thank you for reading.

Pricooked Tales (Priya Modha)

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