How not to make Momos for your friend !!

How not to make Momos for your friend!! 

It's 7th October


I am chilling and taking a good sweet nap.
Tik Tok tik tok...

10 mins later thoughts are running in my mind.

Tim tok tik tok 

5 mins later 

Quiet peaceful mind.
 Tik Tok tik tok.

It's 3:30 pm
Suddenly I remember it's 7 October, it's my friend Khushali's birthday, we had to meet at 5 pm. It is going to be a fun and crazy party.

But wait I am forgetting something. I had to prepare a demanded present. 
Oh no!! I have 1 and a half hour in my hand and have to make those Momos.

No complaints but this is a con, being a good chef who loves to feed people especially friends. 

Khushali has been demanding me to make momos since past 6 months. And the great chef finally promised to make her one on her birthday. Khushali would prefer momos over every delicious food world have to offer. Huh!!

I am already running late. And have to make Momos plus the spicy red Chutney as promised. 

We Indian are very good at keeping words,

"Ek bar Jo hamne commitment kar di tho ham aapne aap ki bhi nahe sunte "

Let me not think much. I really have to rush and get it ready by 4:30. 

Being a management student my college has taught me one thing very well. Managing time and getting things done. 
Do you think I'll manage to make Momos on time. Or I'll get late. 
Keep reading to know.....

3:40 after visualizing the whole recipe in my mind. I rush towards the kitchen and tie a hair bun. Wash my hands and yes Momo Ninja is ready to kill. 
And there my Mom comes to my rescue she an expert at managing anything, she does it like a pro.
She would fit perfectly in the top CEO's role.


So I start by assembling all the ingredients.
And I find out maida (all-purpose flour) is missing. Huh!!  I am runny late, panicking. 

 I rush to the kirana store. Wasted 10 mins and finally got maida and came back home.
Phew!! All ingredients at the place.

First things first.

Make spicy chutney. Ok, wait momo dough has to be kneaded. 
So kneading dough is the most boring job in the whole world according to me.

So Mumma will be doing it.
In a bowl she takes 3 cups of mida adds 1 tspn of oil, salt, water, and starts kneading it for about 5 mins and keeps it to rest for 10 mins. Till I chop veggies filling is prepared.

Phew, dough, or momo base is ready.

Meanwhile, I was making Momo chutney. 
Because you are not allowed to eat momo with anything else. It is a sin.

Back to the chutney!!!

I heat a pan add 2 tbsp oil, chopped ginger, and garlic. Let it saute and added 2 tomatoes 2 red chili smooth paste. I saute it. Added some pinch of salt and sugar, let it cook on a medium flame for 8mins. Done. Spicy momo chutney is done.

Thank God!! 50% of the work is done.
It still have 40 mins.

Not wasting much time I heated oil in another pan add chopped ginger and chilies, sauteed some 2 fine chopped onions, cabbage, capsicum, carrot added a pinch of salt and pepper some shezwan sauce cooked for 10mins. And all done. Momo filling ready.
The only thing left to do is fill and steam those momos.
Mumma comes again in the scene.
She rolls out momo base out of dough. I place the filling in the middle of the base I start creasing the sides and close it gave it good shape prepared other such and my cute momos are ready to be steamed. Meanwhile, my steamer was preheating. Preheating a steamer always works.
I grease the tray with some oil place those prepared momos and let momos steam for 10-12 mins.
I took them out let it cool down and finally packed them for Khushali to relish upon her most favorite food Momos on her day!!

I managed to take a snap before packing it

And there I win. Momos were ready by 4:50 and I still have 10 minutes to go. Yay!!

I got ready, reached Khushali's place, and handed her the momo box. 

Can you believe instead of cutting a cake on a birthday she cut a momo!! Haha, what a weirdo. 

And seeing her dig upon momos and her happy face was worth it.

And I realized food is above everything. It brings people joy. You have to agree, 

Don't eat to live,
Just live to eat.


I hope you enjoyed reading this fun tale.
Learned making momos for your friend.

Did you like it  do let me know in the comments.   :-)

Here are Pricooked Tales signing off!!
- Priya Modha

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