5 lessons I learnt while Blogging on Pricooked Tales Blog

5 Lessons I learnt while Blogging on Pricooked Tales Blog

Today I thought of writing on completely out of box topic, other than food. This will work as dose of motivation for this week probably this whole month.

Pricooked Tales was also known as Bavarchii Thoughts initially. It has been two months i.e 8 Sunday's I have been writing consistently and I love showing up. Keeping reading through.

Here are 5 most important lessons...

1:- Get Started

I wanted to start blogging as a hobby since I was in class 9th. But lack of proper guidance and support never got me started. So I became my own teacher and cheer leader and finally started in 2018, late though but I did. Wrote 2-3 posts and stopped writing again no motivation. If you chase perfection you can never start or grow. But because of lockdown i.e since May 2020, did my research and started all over again. After all being stubborn on your ideas and turning them into reality matters.

2:- Everything can be figured out

Since I've started blogging, have faced tons of issues. At a times I felt like giving up, but I had no option other than figuring out myself. This thing have taught me that we should never give up easily and to always look at bigger picture. As everything can be sorted.  Not giving up when you face problems is one of the best thing you can do for yourself.

3:- Influence

 Yes, people are influenced!!!
Since May 2020 I show up every Sunday consistently. And  people do get influenced because of my work. Some have started their own blogs, some have started Instagram blog, some try out my recipes, some have started cooking because of my blogging. And that is the thing which keeps me going. And I think I've become an influencer now. Hahaha

4:- You have to accept changes in order to grow

I had started with Bavarchii Thoughts but with an aim to grow blog world wide, I had to change it to Pricooked Tales and Google have finally verified this new domain name and it helped me reach 3000 views on blog. I would have never thought of changing domain name as I was very attached to Bavarchii Thoughts. But you have to accept change and keep looking forward this the only way to progress.

5:- Learning never ends

Success is a journey and there are no shortcuts to it.
I cannot say that I am perfect or a pro blog writer. But I love to embrace all the learning's and issues gracefully. Still I get up every morning to learn about writing good blogs, new trends, SEOs, website building etc. And I am in love with the learning process.

So, these were the lessons I learnt from blogging. Blogging is not an easy task and consistency is a tuff part. But showing up and loving your work matters. Though, I write blog as a hobby but still Pricooked Tales  blog is one of the most important part of me.

I hope this post somewhere motivated you. And just like me if you have an idea or hobby that you always wanted try out, this is the chance and today is the day, just get started with it and be consistent. Despite of failures, fears you will get pro at it. After all as Mountain Dew says, 
"Daar Ke aage Jeet hai"

Thankyou to each one of you who love to read Pricooked Tales blog!!!

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- Pricooked Tales (Priya Modha)


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